Banana Compote

I grew up with this "compote". When bananas where really cheap at the market, my mom would buy a ton of them, cook it, and conserve it in jars, so it was always available.

In Brazil, we eat it with a creamy cheese called "requeijão", but a cream cheese will do just fine.

Once you add the spices in, the house smells so good, you'll want to do it over and over again.


  • 12 large bananas, ripe (over ripe works great as well)
  • 4 cups water
  • 4 cup sugar
  • 4 stick cinnamon
  • 5 cloves, whole
  • Juice from 1 lime
  1. In a heavy saucepan (high heat), dissolve sugar well in water. Peel and cut bananas in rounds, about 1.2 inch, and add to the pan. When it starts boiling, add the lime juice (it will make it a beautifull purle-red color) and the cinnamon and cloves.
  2. Reduce heat to lowest. During the first 10, 15 minutes, it will form a "foam" on top, that will make the compote more cristaline if you remove it once in a while. Will not change the tase, just make it look even more delicious.
  3. Cover it, and cook for 2 hours, stirring occasionally. If necessary, add more water; don't let it dry out, you want to end up with a nice syrup.
  4. Let it cool off and conserve it in sterilized jars. Will last longer in the refrigerator.

Serve with cream cheese or requeijão. Sounds weird, tastes great!!!

Also great with vanilla ice cream.


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