Using the Nestle cream 1 - Brazilian Strogonoff

This was my favorite recipe when I was a kid, There are thousands of versions in Brazil, but this one beats them all. Adding cream instead of sour cream is a Brazilian "invention". We are kinda "creative".



Vegetable oil

2 lbs filet mignon or beef tenderloin steaks, cut into small cubes and seasoned with salt and black pepper to taste

1 finelly chopped onion

1 clove of garlic

1 large can on button mushroom or slivered mushrooms

2 tablespoons of cognac (to flambée)

1 can Nestle table cream (you can use heavy cream, but will not be the same)

5 tablespoons ketchup

2 tablespoons mustard

1 tablespoon flour

Worcestershire sauce


In a medium pan, sautée unseasoned meat (a little at a time so it does not release a lot of water) in high heat with butter. Add salt and pepper and mix.

Add Cognac and flambée until the flames die out.

In a another pan, brown onion with garlic and add to the meat . Add the ketchup, mustard

In a bowl, mix the table cream, with 2 teaspoons of flour. Add to the pan and cook for 5 min until it thickens.

Serve it with white rice and sautée potatoes (cooked the French way)


Beef: let the steak rest about 1-2 hours, out of the fridge before preparing the dish. The beef has to sautée and not cook, so it is best to brown it in high heat and don't let it release too much juice in the pan.

If you are freezing it, only add the cream after it is defrosted.

You may substitute steak for chicken breast or shrimp


  1. Sabe como se chama o estrogonofe feito com carne de segunda: estrogoboff!


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